Storytelling in Primary CLIL

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Edited by Grit Bergner and Charlott Falkenhagen

This book investigates the potential of stories and storytelling in CLIL contexts. Stories have always been a powerful resource in education, inspiring to storytellers and their audience alike. This insight is shared by the researchers and practitioners contributing to this volume, sharing their findings and their experience regarding all kinds of storytelling from traditional kamishibai to digital film formats. Approaching the topic from different perspectives, all contributions present stories as tools that foster not just content and language learning but also cognitive development and intercultural competence in an integrated manner. This book seeks to encourage teachers to take their learners on exciting journeys, starting with and accompanied by a story. It provides the reader with new insights and manifold suggestions to probe  the impact of storytelling in education.

ISBN: 978-3-910594-04-3

14,8x21,0 cm, kartoniert, 270 Seiten, 41 farbige und 19 s/w Abbildungen, Digramme und Tabellen

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Sprach-und Literaturwissenschaft, Didaktik