The essays of this collection were born from the conference „Diversities - Bet Debora in Budapest. 4th Conference of the European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics, and Rabbis at the Central European University, Budapest. The authors are academics and activists from Israel, US, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France are giving an overview of how European Jewish woman are negotiating everyday practices in a historical perspective between religion and modernity, orthodoxy and employment, political engagement and religious laws. The book is offering an analyses of the factors shaping the gendered remembering of Ms. Meller, Fanny von Arnstein, Hilde Spiel, Edit Jelena Kon, Manya Wilbushewitz Shohat, Johanna Bischitz, Ilka Gedő and the first generation of Hungarian feminists and female psychoanalysts.
The book is an essential reading for academics and students of Jewish Studies, History, Gender Studies.
Studien zur Geschichte Ost- und Ostmitteleuropas, Bd. 6
ISBN 9783933337559, paperback, 13x20 cm, 258 pages, 36 photos